Bookings - Terms & Conditions


All bookings made, whether in writing by email, letter or verbally, are subject to the same terms and conditions and legal requirements under UK law as here stated.

Here you may also complete the booking details of the assignment after you receive a quote from us. 

Please read this booking agreement in full. When complete, you can signify your agreement by pressing the "I Agree" button at the end.


Photographers Attendance, times and all fees are as agreed and terms for payment are the normal within 30 days, unless otherwise agreed prior to the assignment. Thereafter the full rates will apply with a replacement invoice with no prior discounts if such were offered. Additional attendance times are charged as will be appropriate.
As The Assigned Photographers, Pro Vision Photography Limited are inclusively assigned as the sole providers for photographic services to the assignment and it is understood that no other photographers or similar contractors may be permitted to undertake professional photographic services without the express permission of Pro Vision Photography Ltd. In order to provide the services as agreed the responsibility for the implementation of this understanding will be that of the Assignee of the Photographers. If any such case arises, other photographic service providers will be compelled by the Assignee to abstain from undertaking such services.

Photographers Attendance / Additional Work or Images:
For Commercial Assignments Charged by Attendance/Time:
A 1 day attendance consists of a continuation to include any/all breaks of up to 7 hours. Any additional attendance time necessary by the photographer will include an additional attendance fee (up to an additional £75.00 per hour/part thereof thereafter).
For Commercial Assignments Charged by the image/per image: Any additional images requested by the client/agent of the client or necessarily undertaken by the photographer in performing the assignment are charged in addition to any fee agreed. The rate charged per additional image will be equal to the rate of the image rate charged at the outset of the assignment.

Image Proofs/Previews: This is an additional service and if required you will be quoted accordingly before the assignment is undertaken. Thereafter, no proofs/preview images, whether digital or in print form will be produced without a new/separate purchase order if a PO is required by you/your office.

The Photographer
On occasions and without notice it may be necessary for the photographer originally
specified to be substituted by another photographer, (e.g. due to ill health, other or personal matters).

It is mutually agreed that the following terms of agreement form an integral part of this order and that no variation or modification of this order shall be effective unless accepted by Pro Vision Photography Ltd in writing.

Payment Terms: All fees are due to be paid in full by the due date, within at least 30 days of the date of invoice. Payment for all additional work must be paid for in full within the same terms and to be paid for with the initial order and invoice date. Where a payment is unreasonably late any discount that may have been applied can be cancelled and the full list price is required. Interest will be incurred for late payment of any invoice at a rate of 8% above the late payment reference rate. A £40.00 administration charge will be incurred and will become due in addition to collection costs and professional charges for late payments of 90 days or more and Pro Vision Photography Ltd may proceed to County Court at its own discretion without notice to the debtor after 90 days.

Invoicing & Purchase Orders
It is the sole responsibility of the client to provide from the outset any Purchase Order if such is required for payment to be fulfilled. Any delays in providing adequate information for the fulfilment of payment in full within 30 days will induce penalties to include a £40.00 administration fee for its delay and/or seeking out the required information in addition to the exclusion of any discounts given to the client for the procurement of the assignment.
Any amendments necessary on any invoices from Pro Vision Photography Ltd must be notified to us by the client or their agent, to include all information necessary for the completion of the invoice, within 5 working days of the date of invoice or of the assignment being undertaken (whichever is the longer).

Discounts: Any discounts offered are strictly based solely on payment in full within the terms of the order (30 days). Thereafter any and all discounts will have expired and therefore do not apply and the full amount without any given discount will be due with the original invoice being replaced.

Delivery: Undelivered or faulty goods are to be notified within 5 working days of delivery/expected delivery. Faulty goods/images have to be returned to us on the original disc/material and no copies are to be made. Non faulty images may only be returned at the discretion of Pro Vision Photography Ltd.

Cancelation: It is mutually agreed that all and any assignment cancelations by the Client or their Agents are liable for all fees, costs and expenses incurred relating to both the assignment and all ancillary matters relating to having cancelled after having booked, to additionally include the initial agreed attendance and/or image fees at the following full/non-discounted rates: The date of cancelation is: over 30 days @ 25%, within 30-8 days @ 35%, within 7-3 days @ 50%, within 48 hours (2-0 days) @ 100%.

Display: The client agrees to allow Pro Vision Photography Ltd to display any photographs covered by this assignment in their studio, portfolio, internet site, display areas, exhibitions, advertising, press, media, competitions, slide shows or other commercial and marketing uses. Exceptions include commercially sensitive images for a period of 12 months from the date of image capture or where otherwise agreed in writing prior to the assignment being undertaken.

Special Requests/Coverage: The client understands and accepts that the photographic coverage will be as the photographer’s professional expertise determines and that no photograph will be deemed more important than another. Special requests are not a binding instruction, although every effort is made to comply with the client's wishes. Pro Vision Photography Ltd will not be held responsible for the non co-operage/absence of persons or items in our photographs, adverse weather conditions or other circumstances which may influence the outcome of the photography.

Alterations to Assignment Date/Time: Any alteration or additions to the assignment date and/or time will induce a further payment as deemed necessary, fair and reasonable by Pro Vision Photography Ltd.

Photographs: All photograph sizes are nominal. The photographer will provide a pleasing colour balance but cannot guarantee exact colour matching owing to anomalous reflectance caused by a combination of certain dyes and materials, monitors and image end uses, especially man-made materials. It is sometimes impossible to record photographically the exact colour of materials as seen by the human eye; therefore all colour balances are purely perceptional. We may deem it necessary to use our expertise to edit down as necessary to the best photographs for the final image/images.

Copyright: The 1988 Copyright Design and Patents Act section 77 & 80 assigns the copyright of the photographs taken, to the photographer. It is contrary to the Act and an offence to copy or allow to be copied, the photographs covered by this contract by any means. The images/digital image files remain the property of the photographer. The photographer is employed by Pro Vision Photography Ltd, therefore all images remain the copyright and property of Pro Vision Photography Ltd until paid for in full.

Digital Distortion: Must be agreed in writing and fees paid within 30 days.

Accreditation: Where it is reasonably possible all published photographs/images are to include Pro Vision Photography's website address as the credit within or exactly next to it, clear and legible as follows:

Force Majeure: The due performance of the work detailed above is subject to the photographer's alteration or cancellation owing to any cause beyond his/her control. In the unlikely event of the photographer's cancellation the following will apply: Arrangements will be made for another photographer of comparable standard to cover the shoot with agreed fees remaining unchanged; if this is not possible a full refund will be given of all monies paid to the date of cancellation.

Jurisdiction This agreement is governed by English Law.
* Your Name:
* Email Address:
* Business Phone Number:
Mobile Phone Number:
* Todays Date:
* Your Business Name:
* Assignment Name:
* Assignment Date/Times:
* Assignment Location:
Purchase Order Ref No:
Deliver Images & Invoice to:

Additional Info:

To signify that you have read, understand and agree to these booking terms, enter your details above, then submit the form.

This service agreement will be finalised by both parties to it when you receive confirmation from Pro Vision Photography Ltd whether verbal or written (normally by reply email).